Who We Are.
We believe in using statistics and technology for social good. Moreover, our training and experience in both statistical science and software engineering positions us to deliver robust research products that advance initiatives seeking to make a difference. Our mission is simple: to help others, help others.
Jordan Lawson, Ph.D.
Jordan Lawson is an education researcher turned software engineer with extensive experience in experimental and quasi-experimental research design, statistical modeling, and software development. He received his doctoral degree in Applied Statistics from Boston College where his research focused on the use of novel statistical methods for examining the causal impact of integrated student support services on disadvantaged inner-city youth.
Jordan has over seven years of experience working with organizations and multidisciplinary research teams to develop and employ technical solutions that advance important research initiatives. He has presented at national conferences, collaborated with award-winning economists from Boston College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on innovative methodology for causal inference, and published in peer-reviewed academic journals on topics ranging from novel statistical methodology to educational achievement.
Jordan’s passion lies at the intersection of engineering and applied statistical research. He loves building statistical models and software products that answer important questions and help drive change. His larger, driving mission is to promote a more equitable society through the use of technology and statistics for social good.